Feminist Answering Machine: S▲MMUS is The Artist, Not The Girlfriend

Unfortunately, none of us were here at the Feminist Frequency Global Command Center when the call came in from the amazing rapper and producer S▲MMUS, who was calling to talk to Anita about experiences she has backstage at her own performances, where people often assume she’s someone other than the artist everyone is there to see.

The good news is that the call went straight through to our state-of-the-art, one-of-a-kind Feminist Answering Machine, so we can share it with all of you! We’ll be getting more messages to the FAM real soon, so keep your eyes peeled and subscribe to us on YouTube so you don’t miss a thing. And if you haven’t seen the previous Feminist Answering Machine message from Zahra Noorbakhsh, our favorite feminist Iranian-American comedian, give it a watch now!