Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find FemFreq merch?

Check out our store at:
Check back often as we’re creating new merch all the time!

How can I help with translating FemFreq videos into a different language?

We have a team of volunteer translators who help us with creating subtitles in foreign languages and we would greatly appreciate your contribution! Introduce yourself through our contact form and we’ll send you the application.

Do I need special permission to use a FemFreq video in my classroom or film festival?

All of FemFreq’s videos are freely available without special permission for educational, not-for-profit purposes. For permission for commercial use, send a message through our contact form.

Is there a way I can stay up to date on FemFreq’s releases and updates?

Sign up for our free, monthly newsletter to stay up to date on everything FemFreq. Each month our newsletter also features an interview with an amazing woman in media who inspires us. Also follow us on Twitter and Tumblr, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss any of our videos!

Where can I find speaking appearances or lectures by Anita and other staff members?

A partial list of speaking appearances and lectures is compiled in this playlist:

Does FemFreq accept articles or other written pieces for submission?

At this time we do not.

I have skills! How can I volunteer at FemFreq?

Send a message through our contact form telling us about yourself and a description of your interests, we’d love to hear from you!