Star Trek Discovery Recap FREQcast #6: Sounds of Thunder

In this weeks episode of the Star Trek Discovery Recap FREQcast, Ebony and Anita are joined in Ten Forward by overly enthusiastic Star Trek fan, Sarah Gulde. Guided by her expertise, your two feckless hosts attempt to step up their game and discuss their reactions to this week’s episode in a coherent, informed manner [spoiler alert: they are unable to sustain it]. Tune in for a conversation about the compelling emotive work of Doug Jones as Saru; what first contact would actually be like; and whether Anita and Sarah can convince Ebony to give Pike a chance.
We’re so grateful to this week’s special guest! Sarah Gulde has been a Trekkie since TNG first aired in 1987. She has appeared on Star Trek panels at cons across the country, including Dragoncon and Star Trek Las Vegas. She holds a degree in mathematics and enjoys cosplay, organizing nerdy fundraisers, and too many fandoms to list here. Connect with her @sarahmiyoko!