Quick Tropes vs Women Project Update

I recently shared a long update with our backers over on the Tropes vs Women in Video Games Kickstarter page detailing our progress on pre-production and game research as well as equipment, software and website infrastructure upgrades. We also revealed more about the expanding scope of this project including another bonus video we have in the works. Since that update was only for backers of the series I thought I’d make a very quick post here to highlight some of our progress.

Anita with some of her research materials. See larger image on Flickr.

The researching phase has begun! So far we’ve purchased well over 300 games for this project. As of now we can play games from the following systems: SNES, Gamecube, Wii, PS2, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox, Xbox 360, iPad and PC/MAC. We are also looking to acquire a 3DS XL when it becomes available next month. Note that not all of the games being researched for this project are pictured above. All the digital games downloaded via Steam, PSN and XBLM are sadly not nearly as photogenic, but rest assured we are looking at classic titles from throughout the history of gaming.

As a result of the unexpected extra Kickstarter funding I can now commit full-time to Feminist Frequency and to this video series which is truly a dream come true for me! I can now also hire my producer full-time for this project. Plus we are in the process of bringing another writer/researcher on board part-time. So far I’ve chosen to keep my small crew out of the limelight to try and shield them from any potential harassment. When I feel it is safe and appropriate to introduce them I will.

Obviously each video in this series requires a tremendous amount of research, writing and production time so we are planning to release one video per month. We anticipate the launch of our first Tropes vs Women video in late fall or early winter and we’ll be kicking off the series with the Damsel in Distress trope!
Thanks again to all my supporters everywhere for your incredible encouragement. I’m extremely excited about the opportunity to create this video series. It will now be bigger and better then I could have ever imagined possible!

As always backers of the project can read the full detailed update on Kickstarter and will always be the first to be notified of our progress.

There has also been a fair amount of press coverage surrounding my fundraising campaign and resulting harassment. The New Statesmen, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, Forbes and The New York Times have all written articles. Additionally here are a few interviews I’ve done recently.

Woman Vs. Internet: How Anita Sarkeesian beat the trolls – GamesIndustry
Women and Gaming: Smashing Stereotypes – CBC Radio’s The Current
Tropes vs Women in Video Games – Gaming as Women
Interview: Anita Sarkeesian, games, and Tropes vs. Women – Destructoid